Mr. Baseball’s Gallery

uecker.jpgEveryday is a good day for Bob Uecker. Today, is a really good day for Bob Uecker.

The Brew Crew is taking on water. Eight straight losses and more questions than answers in mid-May will do that to a ballclub. At this point, you’ll hear things like keep perspective, don’t panic, it’s early, keep plugging away, etc…All true. But, the best remedy might be a good belly-laugh. Only Mr. Baseball can deliver such a potion in times like these.

Bob is recovering nicely from major heart surgery. He said he wanted to have the procedure done quickly so he wouldn’t “take a dixie” on the road! The road is a little “dixie” without him. He asked us to keep things light and in perspective. Good advice for him. Good advice for the Brewers. I’ve been told Bob could be back full-time around the All-Star break. That doesn’t mean I don’t expect him to show up unannounced before then, maybe in a Gorilla suit.

One thing is for sure, in the days leading up to surgery and in the weeks Bob has been away from the team during recovery, everyone on the travelling party has realized the sizeable canyon that was left. To know Bob Uecker means knowing arguably the most famous personality in baseball. Wherever he goes, even today, he is hounded by adoring fans. I’ve seen autograph seekers blow right past Prince Fielder to get to Uecker. I’ve seen movie stars turn into stargazers with him. 

I’ve played golf with Bob Uecker. I’ve been on planes, buses and cars with him. I’ve attended functions, shared the microphone and countless of moments “off” the air. His comedic genius doesn’t end with his broadcasts. It flows out of him like a well-watered Chia. I don’t even bother going to stand-up comedy shows anymore. What’s the point? The best 20-minute set in the country happens daily on the 4-o’clock bus to the ballpark with Bob Uecker.
The front row sits empty again today. Hopefully soon, the doctors will clear the way for Uke to re-join the party. The doc’s should take into account what’s best for our health, not just his!
A great artist needs a showroom. Thankfully, there is plenty of wall space in this great game for Mr. Baseball.





  1. brewers09

    I didn’t appreciate Brians comment of Gomez admiring his bomb against the Twins on Friday. Who cares, we were down 15-0. Just worry about callin the game or maybe he was more concerned with catching his flight for his TBS game…


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  3. lsekhmet

    Brian, this was very well said. I can’t wait until Bob Uecker is back everyday at the ballpark, announcing over the air again for WTMJ and the statewide Brewers Radio Network. The games aren’t the same without him.


    Brian: It seems as though Major League Baseball is not concerned about the number of times batters have been hit by either intentional or unintentional pitches. When batters are hit in the head it is time for MLB to take a long hard look at what is happening on the mound. I think that if a pitcher hits a batter in the head the pitcher should be removed from the game! Whether it was intentional or not. That pitcher is having control issues and needs to be taken out of the game for his safety and the batters safety.

    I tried contacting Bud Selig this morning and was connected to the PR dept., I expressed my concern and the young female I was speaking to apparently disagreed because she hung up on me. She apparently missed the crash course on customer service.

    My husband and I watch most of the Brewer games or attend the games in Milwaukee. We enjoy you and “Rock”, the knowledge and humor that you add to the broadcast is very enjoyable.

    I would be very interested in hearing your opinion on this subject.

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